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AdGuard Home Exporter

This is a AdGuard Home dashboard when using the https://github.com/henrywhitaker3/adguard-exporter Prometheus exporter

AdGuard Home Prometheus Exporter

This is a Prometheus exporter for AdGuard Home


Using Docker

You can run it using the following example and pass configuration environment variables:

$ docker run \
  -e 'ADGUARD_PASSWORDS=mypassword' \
  -e 'INTERVAL=15s' \ # Optional, defaults to 30s
  -p 9618:9618 \

A single instance of adguard-exporter can monitor multiple AdGuard Home instances. To do so, you can specify a list of servers, usernames and passwords by separating them with commas in their respective environment variable:

$ docker run \
  -e 'ADGUARD_SERVERS=,,"' \
  -p 9618:9618 \


Once the exporter is running, you also have to update your prometheus.yml configuration to let it scrape the exporter:

  - job_name: 'adguard'
      - targets: ['localhost:9618']

Available Prometheus metrics

Metric nameDescription
adguard_scrape_errors_totalThe number of errors scraping a target
adguard_protection_enabledWhether DNS filtering is enabled
adguard_runningWhether adguard is running or not
adguard_queriesTotal queries processed in the last 24 hours
adguard_blocked_filteredTotal queries that have been blocked from filter lists
adguard_blocked_safesearchTotal queries that have been blocked due to safesearch
adguard_blocked_safebrowsingTotal queries that have been blocked due to safebrowsing
adguard_avg_processing_time_secondsThe average query processing time in seconds
adguard_top_queried_domainsThe number of queries for the top domains
adguard_top_blocked_domainsThe number of blocked queries for the top domains
adguard_top_clientsThe number of queries for the top clients
adguard_top_upstreamsThe number of repsonses for the top upstream servers
adguard_top_upstreams_avg_response_time_secondsThe average response time for each of the top upstream servers
adguard_dhcp_enabledWhether dhcp is enabled
adguard_dhcp_leasesThe dhcp leases

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